Dark Reality Of Cold Drinks

Dark Reality Of Cold Drinks, Phosphoric acid, Coca-Cola, toile cleaner, soft drinks, Sugar,

 Dark Reality Of Cold Drinks  - Hello Friends, Soft drinks have become so common in our lives that no matter which city, or even country, you are in, you can always find a bottle of Coca-Cola. Do you know, that only Two Country remain where Coca-Cola is not sold? Cuba and North Korea. 

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In all other countries, from cinema halls to cricket matches, from college canteens to wedding functions, children to senior citizens, you can find people drinking soft drinks everywhere. According to Coca-Cola's website, each day, 1.9 Billion servings of Coca-Cola are sold. Can you imagine how large this number is? And this is only one drink. 

Dark Reality Of Cold Drinks 

If you include all soft drinks, the sheer quantity of it consumed worldwide is unimaginable. That's why, in today's article, allow me to shock you by telling you about the ingredients of these drinks. Once you know about. show this to your friends and family so that they can know what they consume.

Let's begin this article with the myths. Because this article isn't aimed to scare you with lies. I want to tell you what you are drinking. One of the biggest myths about soft rinks is that it is called as 'toilet cleaner' by the critics. Can Coca-Cola and Pepsi be compared to toilet cleaners? The direct answer to it is, NO. People use this comparison often because toilet cleaners contain certain acids, and cold drinks contain certain acids too. The acids in cold drinks are citric acids, and phosphoric acids. Citric acid can be found naturally. You get citric acid in lemons and oranges as well. On the other hand, Phosphoric acid is a common Food Grade Additive. It is assigned the number E338. Whenever there's high sugar content, mould and bacteria can easily grow there. 

Phosphoric acid prevents the growth of that bacteria. Not only will you find the phosphoric acid in soft drinks, But also in jams, processed meat, cereal bars, bottle coffee beverages, baking powder, protein drinks, and in fact in cheeses also. Interestingly, these two acids are also found in several toile cleaner oftentimes, in the homemade toilet cleaners, lemon juice is added to vinegar and baking soda. Even so, comparing soft drinks and toilet cleaners to each other, will be wrong. Because as you would have studied Chemistry at school, that there are some mild acids, the dilute acids, And there are concentrated acids, they are strong, Without going into too many details, Phosphoric acid is a weak acid, and toilet cleaners have stronger chemicals. 

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Such as Sodium Hypochlorite. And Hydrochloric Acid. These are used to clean strong stains. Hydrochloric acid is in our stomachs too. It is one of the main components of gastric acid. Now, you won't compare our stomachs to toilet cleaners, will you? Because chemistry is complex. On the basis of a common constituent, you cannot derive such conclusions. Another point that is often put across, that the pH level of a soft drink, is the same as the pH level of a toilet cleaner. You'd recall learning in school that the pH level is used to measure acidity. How acidic a substance is. The pH level of soft drinks is normally around 2.5 but do you know the acidity of lemon juice? its pH level is around 2.0 to 2.6. Pomegranates have a pH level of around 2.9. Grapes are around the same level. If this myth is clean to you, then you would wonder, if it is okay to drink soft drinks. The answer to this is quite simple. NO!

Let's Talk About Why Not. 

But before we get to that, let's address the other question you have, if I am trying to expose the soft drinks, why was I defending them by clarifying the rumours? The simple reason behind it, is friends, that, misinformation is dangerous. irrespective of whether the conclusion of that is right or wrong, we should not try to derive that conclusion using misinformation. Come, let's try to understand why soft drinks are dangerous. I won't talk about 'secret ingredients' here. The frequent contamination, such as the news that broke out quite some time ago, that pesticides were found in cold drinks. "The soft drinks that are being sold in Delhi, Coke brands had 30 times higher pesticide residues and the Pepsi brands had 36 time higher pesticide residues." This happened again in 2004, 2006 and 2016. But this was unusual, it doesn't happen normally. in this article, Id like to assume, that the soft drinks we are discussing, have no such contaminations. And that it is the unaltered drink, as the company intends to make. Turn the bottle and check the ingredient list.

Let's Continue With That Example

But you can find a similar brand by Coca-Cola, Fanta. These are the 2 biggest companies. PepsiCo and Coca-Cola. Mirinda and Fanta are competitors. Let's check their calories. Its written that 100 ml contains 55 calories. So in a bottle of 600 ml, 55x6 = 330 calories. To draw a comparison, in a bottle, there are as many calories. as in 2 aloo parathas. Not only this, if you eat a masala dosa, with a bowl full of sambar, and coconut chutney, the amount of calories you consume, would be as much as this, if not less. You might think that it is not a big deal. The point is that, when you eat aloo parathas or masala dosas, it will be your lunch. You will feel full with that. But if you drink a bottle of Coca-Cola or Mirinda, will that soothe your hunger? These extra calories are useless. Yoi will need to have lunch or dinner in addition to it. Also, in normal foods, there's protein, sodium, potassium, vitamins, fibres, fats, you get may nutrients in it. But what do you get out of this bottle? Empty calories which have no nutrients. There's only sugar. A high content of sugar. There's so much sugar that you can't even believe it. For comparison, I took the same amount of sugar in an empty glass, there's 13.8 grams of sugar in 100 ml in Mirinda. So in the bottle, 13.8 x 6 = 82.8 grams of sugar. It fills half a glass. This much sugar can make you truly sick. You's ask; how much added sugar is normal for human consumption? The answer is 0. Yup, absolute zero. 

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Because we are taking about added sugar. Not of natural sugars. We get natura sugars from foods. There's lactose in milk, fructose in fruits, these are examples of natural sugars, When you drink milk or eat fruits, you get these natural sugar through which you get sufficient energy. These natural sugars completely fulfil the needs of your body. Added sugars are the sugar that we put into our food. The extra sugar we put in while cooking, or preparing the food. According to the America Heart Association, our bodies do not require any added sugar. To function properly. So the body requires Zero added sugars. Even so, if you ask, 

  • How much of it can our body tolerate? 
  • What level of added sugar is safe for our bodies? 
Friends, the recommended limit of it, for an adult man, it is 36 grams in a day, and for an adult woman, 25 grams of added sugar in a day. In this 600 ml bottle of Mirinda, there are 82.8 grams of added sugar. With one bottle, you will surpass your daily recommended intake. That's why I'm saying, To consume such huge quantity of added sugar daily is enough to make you extremely sick. It wouldn't happen instantly. If you do so 1 or 2 days, there won't be major consequences, but it you continue doing so every day for years on end, due to this added sugar alone, You will later start getting pain in the joints. suffer undue skin ageing, liver damage, Type 2 diabetes, A pancreatic breakdown, kidney failure. The risk of heart attack increases manifold, and finally, obesity. I mentioned this at the last, because when most people think about sugars, they shrug it off as being a bit overweight. But the rest of the diseases, very few people know about them, these occur because of excessive sugar. The most dangerous thing about sugar is that you can get addicted to it in the same way as people get addicted to drugs. In a 2017 study, sugar addiction was compared to cocaine addiction, that's why when you se the people around you  people who drink  soft drinks, drink them quite regularly. You'll find very few people who say that they drink soft drinks once in 3-4 month. People addicted to sugar they'll either drink soft drinks regularly, or it they aren't drinking soft drinks regularly, they'll eat candies, chocolates, sweets, ice creams, things that have high sugar content. 

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With a large amount of added sugar, they will regularly consume these things.  Other countries are discussing sugar overdose for a while now. That's why in 1964, PepsiCo launched diet Pepsi. And in 1982, Coca-Cola launched Diet Coke. In both versions of the diet soft drinks, there are zero calories and zero added sugar. Does it mean that they're safe to drink? Artificial sweeteners are used in diet soft drinks. Such as aspartame, saccharin, or sucralose Friends, these artificial sweeteners have a controversial history. There have been many studies, linking them to cancer. Due to this, they were banned in many places. But there were studies by other organizations, who said that there were no links to cancer. In a latest study, conducted 5 month ago, On 24th March 2022, it was conducted in France on 100,000 adults, they monitored the effects on these people over 7-8 years. They found that aspartame increases the risk of cancer. 

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